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Home Recipes thermomix Fishs Leek salmon tartTips

Tips and tricks on the leek salmon tart with the thermomix


🥣 Making
10 minutes

🍳 Cooking
45 minutes

🕛 Duration
55 minutes


🥕 Ingredients

👣 Steps

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Ingredients for 4 people

500G of milk
400G of leek white
250G of heavy cream
150G of sweet cheese
100G of potatoes
30G of oil
4 slices of smoked salmon
4 eggs
1 pinch of nutmeg
1 teaspoon of butter
1 pinch of salt
1 pinch of pepper
* For the thermomix recipes, the quantities are indicative. You will have to adjust the quantities to your taste. It should be noted that it is easier to add salt, pepper, sugar than to remove.

12 tips and tricks about the thermomix recipe

  • For a crispy shortcrust pastry, use cold butter and work the dough quickly.
  • Before filling the flamiche, prick the pastry with a fork to prevent it from puffing up too much during baking.

  • For a tender leek filling, thinly slice the leeks and sauté them in a pan with a little butter until they are soft.
  • If you are using fresh salmon, make sure to remove all the bones before cutting it into pieces.
  • If you prefer a stronger flavor, you can use smoked salmon instead of fresh salmon. The smoked salmon will add a delicious smoky note to your flamiche.
  • Before adding the cream to the filling, you can mix it with a little mustard to give your flamiche a spicy touch.
  • For a creamy filling, add a pinch of grated nutmeg to the mixture. This will add a subtle but delicious flavor.
  • If you like cheese, you can sprinkle extra grated cheese on top of the flamiche before baking. The melted cheese will give a crispy texture and a tasty flavor.
  • If you want a lighter version, you can replace the cream with milk or light cream. However, the texture of the filling will be less creamy.
  • For a more flavorful flamiche, add fresh herbs like dill or chopped parsley to the filling. This will bring freshness and color to your dish.
  • If you are preparing the flamiche in advance, let it cool completely before storing it in the refrigerator. Then reheat it in the oven at a low temperature before serving.
  • Serve the salmon leek flamiche with a green salad or grilled vegetables for a balanced and tasty meal.
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Our culinary blog of thermomix recipes has no connection with the Vorwerk brand which manufactures the Thermomix, nor with the official thermomix Cookidoo platform. And the recipes presented are, of course, not compatible with the Cookey.

Version: 202403-01