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Home Recipes thermomix SoupsAncient vegetable soup

Ancient vegetable soup with the thermomix

Welcome to this page dedicated to the recipe for ancient vegetable soup with Thermomix ! This delicious and comforting soup showcases a selection of ancient vegetables, such as parsnip, celeriac, and rutabaga, to create a symphony of flavors and textures. Thanks to your Thermomix, preparing this soup is a breeze. In just a few simple steps, you will have a creamy and nutritious soup, perfect for warming up on cool autumn or winter days. The nutrient-rich and flavorful ancient vegetables come together beautifully to offer a balanced and comforting soup. You can also personalize the recipe by adding your favorite herbs and spices to create a unique taste experience. Whether you are a health-conscious cook, a Thermomix enthusiast, or simply looking for a new comforting recipe, this ancient vegetable soup will surely satisfy you. So, bring out your Thermomix and get ready to indulge in this nourishing and flavorful soup !


Enjoy this recipe of soup cooking with the thermomix , to be made all the year.


🥣 Making
5 minutes

🍳 Cooking
20 minutes

🕛 Duration
25 minutes


🥕 Ingredients

👣 Steps

𝄙 Comments

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Ingredients for 4 people

600g of water
100g of parsnip
100g of pumpkin
2 purple carrots
1 small zucchini
Salt and pepper (optional)
* For the thermomix recipes, the quantities are indicative. You will have to adjust the quantities to your taste. It should be noted that it is easier to add salt, pepper, sugar than to remove.
(0) (0)


  1. Peel the vegetables, cut them into large pieces, put them in the Thermomix bowl and mix for 10 seconds at speed 4.
  2. Add water, salt, and pepper, and cook for 20 minutes at 100°C on speed 3, with the measuring cup on the lid.
  3. When the timer goes off, leave the measuring cup on the lid of the Thermomix and set it for 1 minute at speed 8.
* For this thermomix recipe, the cooking times are indicative. You will need to adapt your kitchen to your cooking method and your oven.
** All the recipes being prepared with the TM31, so you can make them both with the TM5 and the new thermomix TM6, but also with the thermomix competitor such as the Companion from Moulinex, the Cook Expert from Magimix, KCook from Kenwood, monsieur cuisine plus and other kitchen food processors.

Welcome to this page dedicated to the recipe for Thermomix ancient vegetable soup ! This rustic and flavorful soup showcases forgotten vegetables such as parsnip, Jerusalem artichoke, and parsley root. Thanks to the power and versatility of the Thermomix, preparing this soup becomes a breeze. In just a few minutes, you will have a creamy soup, rich in flavors and health benefits. The ancient vegetables bring natural sweetness and a velvety texture to this comforting soup. With its delicate flavor profile and perfect balance, this ancient vegetable soup is an ideal choice for family meals or winter evenings. Whether you are a health-conscious cook or simply looking for an original recipe to prepare with your Thermomix, this soup will charm you. So, put on your apron and let yourself be carried away by the enchanting aromas of this ancient vegetable soup with Thermomix.

🥕 🍳 💡?𝄙

Frequently asked questions

What are recommended accompaniments with this ancient vegetable soup ?

You can serve this soup with homemade croutons, a drizzle of olive oil, chopped fresh herbs, or even a spoonful of sour cream to add richness.

How long does it take to prepare this Thermomix soup ?

Using the Thermomix, this soup can be prepared in about 30 minutes, making it a quick and convenient meal.

Can I use fresh vegetables or frozen vegetables for this recipe ?

You can use either fresh vegetables or frozen vegetables depending on your preference and their availability. Both options work well in this recipe.

Can I substitute vegetable broth with chicken broth ?

Yes, if you're not vegetarian, you can use chicken broth instead of vegetable broth for a slightly different flavor.

Can I add lentils or beans to this soup for more protein ?

Yes, you can add cooked lentils or beans to this soup to increase the protein and fiber content. This will make it a more complete and nourishing meal.

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Our culinary blog of thermomix recipes has no connection with the Vorwerk brand which manufactures the Thermomix, nor with the official thermomix Cookidoo platform. And the recipes presented are, of course, not compatible with the Cookey.

Version: 202403-01