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Home Recipes thermomix DessertsStrawberry mousse

Strawberry mousse with the thermomix

Dive into an ocean of sweetness with our irresistible Thermomix strawberry mousse recipe. Let yourself be enchanted by this perfect combination of the lightness of a mousse and the fruity intensity of strawberries.

With your faithful culinary ally, the Thermomix, preparing this strawberry mousse becomes a breeze. Follow our simple and precise steps to achieve an airy and velvety texture with every bite. Your Thermomix takes care of mixing the ingredients accurately, ensuring a perfect consistency for your mousse.

Fresh strawberries bring an explosion of sweet and tangy flavors to this divine dessert. Their enchanting aroma pairs beautifully with the lightness of the mousse, creating a gustatory symphony that you won't be able to resist.

This strawberry mousse is the perfect opportunity to delight your guests during your meals and special occasions. Its delicate presentation and vibrant color will turn every spoonful into an unforgettable sensory experience.

Indulge in this Thermomix strawberry mousse recipe and enjoy it with ease. Savor every moment of sweetness and share this delicious creation with your loved ones, creating gourmet memories that will be forever etched in your hearts.


Enjoy this recipe of dessert cooking with the thermomix , to be made between may and september.


🥣 Making
7 minutes

🍳 Cooking
Without cooking

🕛 Duration
7 minutes


🥕 Ingredients

👣 Steps

𝄙 Comments

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Nutritional composition for 1 part

Calories : 57 cal (238 J)
Cholesterol: 0mg
Total Fat: 0.2g
Saturated fat: 0g
Dietary Fiber: 1g
Total Sugars: 12.5g
Total Carbohydrate: 13.9g
Vitamin D: 0µg
Iron: 0.2mg
Calcium: 8.4mg
Protein: 0.8g
Sodium: 7.9mg
Weight Watchers
WW SmartPoints : 3
Weight Watchers
WW ProPoints : 2

If you want to test this thermomix recipe as 0 cook or if you have tested this thermomix recipe as 0 chef, let us know.

Ingredients for people

300g of strawberries
60g of caster sugar
1 egg white
* For the thermomix recipes, the quantities are indicative. You will have to adjust the quantities to your taste. It should be noted that it is easier to add salt, pepper, sugar than to remove.
(0) (0)


  1. Hull the strawberries, wash them, and place them in the Thermomix bowl.
  2. Add the powdered sugar and blend for 3 seconds at speed 5.
  3. Insert the whisk and add the egg white to the Thermomix bowl.
  4. Set for 5 minutes at speed 3.5.
* For this thermomix recipe, the cooking times are indicative. You will need to adapt your kitchen to your cooking method and your oven.
** All the recipes being prepared with the TM31, so you can make them both with the TM5 and the new thermomix TM6, but also with the thermomix competitor such as the Companion from Moulinex, the Cook Expert from Magimix, KCook from Kenwood, monsieur cuisine plus and other kitchen food processors.
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18 tips and tricks TM5 FAQ

🥕 🍳 💡?𝄙

Frequently asked questions

How to serve the strawberry mousse with Thermomix ?

Serve the strawberry mousse in individual glasses or bowls. It is delicious as a dessert after a light meal.

Can I use frozen strawberries for this recipe ?

Yes, you can use frozen strawberries if fresh ones are not available. Make sure to thaw them and add the resulting juice to the recipe.

Should I let the strawberry mousse rest in the refrigerator ?

Yes, you will need to let the mousse rest in the refrigerator for at least 2 to 3 hours, or even overnight, for it to set properly.

Should I add lemon juice to the strawberry mousse ?

Lemon juice can be added to enhance the flavor of the strawberries, but it is optional. It will depend on your personal preferences.

How long does it take to prepare strawberry mousse with Thermomix ?

The preparation time will mainly depend on the chilling time required for the mousse to set, but it can take about 30 to 40 minutes to prepare the recipe.

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Our culinary blog of thermomix recipes has no connection with the Vorwerk brand which manufactures the Thermomix, nor with the official thermomix Cookidoo platform. And the recipes presented are, of course, not compatible with the Cookey.

Version: 202403-01