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Home Recipes thermomix Desserts Cougnolle or cougnou (Belgian christmas cake)Tips

Tips and tricks on the cougnolle or cougnou (belgian christmas cake) with the thermomix


🥣 Making
10 minutes

🍳 Cooking
30 minutes

🕛 Duration
40 minutes


🥕 Ingredients

👣 Steps

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Ingredients for people

250g of flour
150G of milk
50g of sugar
35G of butter
15G of yeast
1 whole egg
1 egg yolk
* For the thermomix recipes, the quantities are indicative. You will have to adjust the quantities to your taste. It should be noted that it is easier to add salt, pepper, sugar than to remove.

13 tips and tricks about the thermomix recipe

  • The "cougnou" or "cougnolle" or "pain de jésus" is a brioche from northern France and Belgium that is eaten on Saint Nicholas and Christmas.
  • Use ingredients at room temperature, especially eggs and butter, to achieve better incorporation and a more homogeneous dough.
  • To activate the yeast more quickly, dissolve it in a little warm milk with a pinch of sugar before adding it to the mixture.
  • During kneading in the Thermomix, monitor the consistency of the dough carefully. It should be soft and slightly sticky without being too wet. Add a little flour if necessary to adjust the texture.
  • If you want to add flavors such as orange blossom water or rum, incorporate them gradually in small quantities until you achieve the desired taste.
  • Leave enough space between each ball when shaping on the baking sheet so that they can rise evenly during baking.
  • To give a beautiful golden color to your "cougnolle", gently brush it with a mixture of beaten egg yolk and a little milk before baking.
  • If you want to achieve an even shinier crust after baking, lightly sprinkle your "cougnolle" with powdered sugar as soon as it comes out of the oven.
  • If you find that your dough is not rising enough, place the bowl containing the dough in a warm place (e.g. near a radiator) or preheat your oven slightly and then turn it off before placing the bowl in it to create a conducive atmosphere for rising.
  • To add a personal touch to your "cougnolle", you can add chocolate chips, candied fruit, or even spices like cinnamon or cardamom according to your taste and preferences.
  • Once baked, let your "cougnolle" cool completely on a rack before enjoying it. This will allow the inside to solidify well and the flavors to fully develop.
  • It resembles a large, well-flavored brioche. See our recipe for Thermomix braided brioche.
  • You can add raisins or chocolate chips to make it even more indulgent.
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Our culinary blog of thermomix recipes has no connection with the Vorwerk brand which manufactures the Thermomix, nor with the official thermomix Cookidoo platform. And the recipes presented are, of course, not compatible with the Cookey.

Version: 202403-01