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Home Recipes thermomix Desserts Strawberry sorbetTips

Tips and tricks on the strawberry sorbet with the thermomix


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0 minutes

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0 minutes


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3.42/5 (12 votes)

Nutritional composition for 1 part

Calories : 168 cal (702 J)
Cholesterol: 0mg
Total Fat: 0.4g
Saturated fat: 0g
Dietary Fiber: 2.5g
Total Sugars: 37.5g
Total Carbohydrate: 41.1g
Vitamin D: 0µg
Iron: 0.5mg
Calcium: 20.9mg
Protein: 1.6g
Sodium: 12.6mg
Weight Watchers
WW SmartPoints : 9
Weight Watchers
WW ProPoints : 4

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Ingredients for people

500G strawberries
125G sugar
1 sachet of vanilla sugar
1 egg white
* For the thermomix recipes, the quantities are indicative. You will have to adjust the quantities to your taste. It should be noted that it is easier to add salt, pepper, sugar than to remove.

17 tips and tricks about the thermomix recipe

  • Choose ripe strawberries : Ripe strawberries will have a sweeter and more pronounced flavor, which will result in a more delicious sorbet.
  • Wash and hull the strawberries before using them : Make sure to wash and hull the strawberries to remove any dirt or impurities.
  • Add a splash of lemon juice : Lemon juice adds a touch of acidity that balances the sweetness of the strawberries. It also enhances the flavor.
  • Use powdered sugar : Powdered sugar dissolves more quickly and easily in the mixture, resulting in a smoother texture for the sorbet.
  • Freeze the strawberries before blending them : To achieve a creamier sorbet, you can freeze the strawberries for a few hours before blending them in the Thermomix.
  • Use a fine sieve : After blending the strawberries, pass the mixture through a fine sieve to remove any small strawberry pieces and achieve a smoother texture.
  • Add a hint of vanilla : If you enjoy the flavor of vanilla, you can add a teaspoon of vanilla extract or vanilla powder to the strawberry mixture.
  • Let the mixture rest in the refrigerator : After blending the strawberries, let the mixture rest in the refrigerator for about 1 hour before putting it in the sorbet maker. This will help intensify the flavors.
  • Do not overfill the sorbet maker : Make sure not to fill the sorbet maker to the brim, as the mixture will expand during freezing.
  • Serve with fresh mint leaves : For a more attractive presentation, add a few fresh mint leaves on top of the sorbet before serving.
  • Use the Thermomix : The Thermomix is ideal for making creamy ice creams and sorbets without a sorbet maker. It allows you to make refreshing ice creams in "10 seconds". They don't have time to cool down if you eat them immediately, otherwise use them in a vacherin for example. Thermomix sorbet is not really cheaper (despite what Thermomix advisors say), but it is incomparable in terms of taste. In fact, it contains 80% fruit. The whisk helps bring an "Italian-style ice cream" texture to this strawberry sorbet. For hot days, also prepare excellent summer desserts like Thermomix vanilla ice cream or raspberry ice cream or chocolate ice cream or Thermomix strawberry syrup.
  • Add banana : With banana, strawberry-banana sorbet is really creamy. A must-try.
  • Make a vegetarian sorbet : Egg white adds volume to the strawberry sorbet. But for vegans or vegetarians, you can make this Thermomix strawberry sorbet recipe without eggs.
  • Decorate the sorbet : Decorate this strawberry dessert with strawberry-flavored candies for children, on a cloud of whipped cream, or with a chocolate topping to make it more indulgent. For the presentation of your homemade sorbet, decorate the ice cream balls with a mint leaf or speculoos.
  • Add milk : Sorbet does not contain milk, cream, or egg yolk, while ice cream or frozen custard is made with cream, made from milk and sugar, sometimes with egg yolk.
  • Replace the strawberry with strawberry syrup : If you don't have fresh or frozen strawberries, use strawberry-flavored ice cubes that you freeze the day before. This will make your strawberry sorbet light and fluffy.
  • Replace the strawberry : You can use other red fruits to make excellent homemade sorbet, such as frozen raspberries,... as long as they are frozen. This Thermomix sorbet recipe serves as a base for all Thermomix sorbets. Just use frozen fruits. The freezing process should last at least 1 day.
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Our culinary blog of thermomix recipes has no connection with the Vorwerk brand which manufactures the Thermomix, nor with the official thermomix Cookidoo platform. And the recipes presented are, of course, not compatible with the Cookey.

Version: 202403-01