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Home Recipes magimix DessertsApple crumble

Apple crumble with the magimix

Discover the must-try recipe for magimix apple crumbles, a classic dessert reimagined with a modern twist. Thanks to your faithful culinary ally, create these delicious crumbles in no time. The apples, peeled and cut into cubes, are simmered with sugar and a hint of vanilla to bring out all their flavors. Meanwhile, the crumble mixture forms in an instant with the magimix, skillfully combining flour, butter, and sugar to achieve a sandy and irresistible texture. Once the apples are stewed, simply distribute them into individual ramekins, generously cover them with the crumble mixture, and bake until golden and crispy. The apple crumbles with magimix are a perfect marriage of fruity sweetness and the crunchiness of the crumble topping. Serve them warm, accompanied by a scoop of vanilla ice cream or a dollop of whipped cream, for an explosion of flavors in every bite. Indulge in this comforting recipe that will delight the whole family, and enjoy the simplicity and convenience of the magimix for always successful desserts.


Enjoy this recipe of dessert cooking with the magimix , to be made all the year.


🥣 Making
3 minutes

🍳 Cooking
30 minutes

🕛 Duration
33 minutes


🥕 Ingredients

👣 Steps

𝄙 Comments

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Nutritional composition for 1 part

Calories : 342 cal (1430 J)
Cholesterol: 35.8mg
Total Fat: 14g
Saturated fat: 8.6g
Dietary Fiber: 4.6g
Total Sugars: 28.8g
Total Carbohydrate: 53.6g
Vitamin D: 10µg
Iron: 0.6mg
Calcium: 34.1mg
Protein: 3.2g
Sodium: 7.6mg
Weight Watchers
WW SmartPoints : 16
Weight Watchers
WW ProPoints : 9

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Ingredients for 6 people

150g of flour
100g of butter
80g of brown sugar
5 apples
* For the Cook Expert recipes, the quantities are indicative. You will have to adjust the quantities to your taste. It should be noted that it is easier to add salt, pepper, sugar than to remove.
(0) (0)


Preheat the oven to 200°C

Preparation of the magimix crumble dough :

  1. Place the butter, brown sugar, and flour in the magimix bowl and set for 1 minute 30 seconds at speed 16.

Preparation of the apple ramekins :

  1. Peel and cut the apples into pieces, then place them in small ramekins.
  2. Sprinkle with cinnamon.

Baking the easy apple crumble :

  1. Crumble and sprinkle the mixture of butter, sugar, and flour over the apples to make it nice and crunchy.
  2. Bake the ramekins or small serving dishes for approximately 30 minutes.

Allow it to cool before enjoying. It's a delight. Yum ;)

* For this Cook Expert recipe, the cooking times are indicative. You will need to adapt your kitchen to your cooking method and your oven.
** This recipe was made with the Thermomix TM31. It has been automatically translated by our system. It is therefore given for information only. You should be inspired by it rather than following it step by step.

In conclusion, apple crumbles with magimix are a delicious way to enjoy the comforting flavors of autumn. With your magimix culinary robot, you can easily and quickly prepare these indulgent desserts that will delight your taste buds. The soft and slightly sweet apples perfectly complement the crispy texture of the crumble topping. Whether it's for a special occasion or simply to treat yourself, this recipe guarantees a perfect result every time. Serve the crumbles warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream or a dollop of whipped cream for an even more indulgent touch. Let yourself be seduced by this classic and timeless recipe, enhanced by the ease and precision of the magimix. Get ready to delight your loved ones with these apple crumbles with magimix and enjoy moments of togetherness over a generous and flavorful dessert.

🥕 🍳 💡?𝄙

Frequently asked questions

What ingredients are needed to make the crumble ?

The crumble with the magimix typically consists of a mixture of flour, cold butter cut into small pieces, sugar (white or brown), and sometimes oats or sliced almonds to add crunchiness.

Is it necessary to pre-cook the apples before adding the magimix crumble ?

No, it is not necessary. The thin slices or apple cubes will cook perfectly in the oven when mixed with the rest of the crumble ingredients.

Can the magimix apple crumble be customized with additional spices ?

Absolutely! If you like more complex flavors, you can add a pinch of nutmeg, ground ginger, or even a hint of vanilla extract to your crumble mixture.

What types of apples are best for magimix crumble ?

Varieties of apples that hold their texture well and are good for baking are ideal, such as Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, or Pink Lady.

Should the apples be peeled before making the crumble with the magimix ?

That depends on personal preference. If you prefer a smoother and more uniform texture, it is recommended to peel the apples. Otherwise, you can also leave the skin on for a rustic touch.

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Our culinary blog of magimix recipes has no connection with the Magimix brand which manufactures the Cook Expert, nor the Magimix recipe space. And the recipes presented are converted from thermomix TM31 to Magimix by our robot.

Version: 202403-01